Travel costs guidelines

1.1 General 

Travelling to and from the shooting location is part of your contractual duty. These costs are usually included in your remuneration. Only on rare occasions, travel costs can be charged additionally – please discuss this with our purchase department.

Billing travels costs have to be explicitly agreed to in the contract. If there is no such agreement, we have to reject the invoice. 

1.2 Requirements

Please consult our purchase department regarding what kind of travel costs you can invoice and what costs are included. 

The billing of travel expenses must be made within 10 days. Exceptions have to be approved of by our purchase department in writing. 

Travel costs must be invoiced seperately referring to your main service (“In addition to my invoice No. #123 as video operator… “). Please include all receipts and vouchers in copy.  Vouchers must be perfectly readible! If vouchers are not in EN ISO 216 please affix and sort them by date. 

Name of traveler, the date of travel and the specific route have to be noted on the invoice. We also ask that you list all the expenses on the first side of the reimbursement invoice chronologically, so they correspond to all the attached receipts (e.g. train 65€, hotel 79€, shuttle 12€,…).

1.3 Tickets (train or flight) and Hotels 

In general: The principle of best-buy applies! Even if that means that you have to take an early fly or train. 

All tickets are booked in Economy class or standard class or – concerning hotels – the lowest rate possible.

Please note: Before we add the approximate travels costs to your agreement we will check the prices of tickets and hotels in your area. 

1.4 Daily allowance 

We do not pay daily allowances or per diems. 

1.5 Advances 

Unfortunately we can not pay any kind of advances.